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She: Stop making jokes! This is Linkedin, not Facebook. This is a professional platform for...

She: Stop making jokes! This is Linkedin, not Facebook. This is a professional platform for professionals!

Me: I am a Careers and LinkedIn Adviser, making jokes is part of my job description!

*Awkward Silence*

She: Why?

Me: Because I am joking now~~ 🤣

Stop making jokes... This is Linkedin, not Facebook. This is a ...


If you need any help with your careers, job search, or grow your LinkedIn...

In my FREE Masterclass, there will be Jokes, this is to ensure our students understand important skills, easily!

Does that make sense? 👇

If you are interested to learn from me and receive the link... then:

👉 Follow Keith LAU - Your Careers and LinkedIn Adviser

👉 Leave a Comment: "Masterclass"

👉 Like and share this post, so that I know you are keen!~

You can also claim a Free Scan and Audit of your LinkedIn Profile.

I'm not joking, see you soon and hope this empowers you!

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