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Why you still have to apply or Interview even if you are happy with your current job?

Why you still have to apply or Interview even if you are happy with your current job?

It seems crazy 🤨 or sounds bad to Interview for another job when you are stable and love the job you are already in?

But I did before.. I’ve been applied & interviewed more than 300 jobs..

Even I received some offers but didn’t take it, that's ok! Why❓

When you are doing at your current job, you will not have a clearer picture of the market.

And you don’t know the expectations of employer changes all the time!

Even if you don’t get a job offer, you will at least receive feedback from the HR or hiring managers.

So you will know your competitive advantage and what are the gaps you need to learn.

You will keep your skills sharp, practice your Interview even if your company could go bankrupt or you have to leave given short notice.

Also, by doing this, you get one step closer to your dream job, because it opens your eyes.

You could create new goals for yourself, and know what are your ultimate “Sell” or transferable skills.

Keep doing this regularly and enjoy the Interview process!

If you need any advice, do connect with me as I have helped more than 450 people landed their ideal nextRoles. 💪


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