Angry! I did submit my CV but I did not even have a chance for an Interview!!!
Angry! I did submit my CV but I did not even have a chance for an Interview!!!
1 Job, 494 applicants, how can I stand out??
This is the Modern Game & Battle, and if you don't know how to play around...
How can you survive during this Crisis? You are in Trouble, my friend!!
James Lee and I will host a LIVE Demo to help you to solve this problem.
You will learn what is Applicant Tracking System & what's the major issue!!
Also, you'll discover:
- To Edit your Resume to pass the 6 or 7 seconds to even 1 minute
- To Edit your LinkedIn profile to pass the ATS and apply for jobs
All the demo we will do for your benefit, and teach you the tips and tricks!
This is a private & confidential LIVE Zoom Group Call.
Join Us to unlock your potential & definitely NO one teaching it.
NO one really actually demonstrates it, and you can't find it from Mr. Goolge! Search.
Sign Up at Eventbrite:
Date/Time: Monday, 8 June 2020, 9PM Singapore Time
I would like to invite you to join our LIVE Mastermind Call to perform a "FULL Audit" too!
For Personalized Assessment of your CV & LinkedIn profile as well.
Interested please register with this link:
Date/Time: Tuesday, 9 June 2020, 9PM Singapore Time
See ya! #nextRoles #ATS #jobs