3 million members on LinkedIn are #OpenToWork now!
3 million members on LinkedIn are #OpenToWork now!
Has your job been impacted by #COVID19?
If someone who is “Open To Work” and sends you a DM or a connection request…
They are actually seeking support from the #LinkedIn Community.
So What should you do?? Let’s help each other!!
Take the extra couple of minutes to see if you can help them with their job search.
3 Easy Steps to help 👇
Firstly: Accept their Connections!
Secondly: Write a warm or positive reply to cheer them up!
Thirdly: Like, Comment, or Share their post... and Refer them to other opportunities!
Perhaps you know a company hiring?
Perhaps you know a friend who is HR or Recruiting?
Or perhaps you can introduce a great Recruitment Adviser for them?
Don't ignore them, please you can respond if you are able to help or not.
I believe LinkedIn is a platform for connecting & helping others.
Do something extra! Do someone a favor!
What you need perhaps are just a few clicks...
Maybe you can change someone's life? Agree??
Everyone could provide a helping hand, or even share your own experience with them!
Are you with me? Comment below!
👉 Follow Keith Lau - Your Recruitment Adviser for more Career Advice
Like and share this post to help someone today!