- Aug 25, 2021
What I Learned From Posting 963 times in 2020 on LinkedIn
What I Learned From Posting 963 times in 2020 on LinkedIn I want to provide some useful techniques for you to improve your content and...
What I Learned From Posting 963 times in 2020 on LinkedIn
What’s most important to you when looking for a new job?
Rejecting a candidate based on just resume is simply bias!
It takes courage to pursue your dreams!
Hire People Based on Attitude...
I hired someone with NO experience in my industry at all.
How to Write a Great LinkedIn Post... When You Know You Will Be Disappointed With Yourself?
A candidate texted me this morning to cancel his Interview. Not a good practice honestly...
NO one will regret sending a CV, email, or DM to Recruiters and apply for the job they want!
Anyone who is unable to find a job or is in a financial problem please feel free to tag me on...