- Aug 25, 2021
Most of the jobs can be done by someone willing to work hard and learn...
Most of the jobs can be done by someone willing to work hard and learn... Give other people a chance. Somebody only needs a single chance...
Most of the jobs can be done by someone willing to work hard and learn...
Dear Hiring Managers, Do NOT Kill Freshers~ Stop asking for 5+ years of relevant working experience!
Are you on LinkedIn to find a job??
How many times did you hear any honest feedback from recruiters?
Age 23-30: You are in your early career!
I'm recruiting for Canada, Australia, Singapore, Dubai, India & the US for all positions. Please...
Anyone in my network or not in my network looking for a job change can Tag me in their posts...
Why should we hire you? 🤔
Dear Hiring Managers, Please send rejection emails to potential candidates.
JUDGE a person based on their job title!
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